List of Job Opportunities Available to Work at United Nations

The United Nations is an international organization created in 1945 by 51 countries after the Second World War. The organization bears the commitment to the preservation of international peace and security, the establishment of friendly ties between nations and the promotion of social change, better standards of life, and human rights. The organization provides a wide variety of job opportunities from a career perspective for professionals with a myriad of experiences, ambitions, and aptitudes, making tons of people aspiring to work at United Nations.

Work at United Nations
Photo: @august-de-richelieu on

Due to its unique international character, the organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a forum for its 193 Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and other bodies and committees.

As we know, every corner of the world is reached by the United Nations’ work. While best known for peacekeeping, peace-building, conflict prevention and humanitarian aid, the United Nations and its structure (specialized organizations, funds, and programs) have many other ways of impacting our lives and making the world a better place.

Precisely, the organization works on a broad range of fundamental issues, from sustainable development, environment and refugees protection, disaster relief, counter-terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation, to promoting democracy, human rights, gender equality and the advancement of women, governance, economic and social development, and international health, clearing landmines, expanding food production, and more, to achieve its goals and coordinate efforts for a safer world for this and future generations.

On this occasion, we will guide you to learn what kinds of jobs are available to work at United Nations and what organizations are currently recruiting. Keep reading.

Why Work at United Nations

A career with the UN will provide a rewarding atmosphere that gives you satisfaction by contributing to peace and security, human rights, and sustainable human growth, in addition to the chance to create a career within your field of expertise. Furthermore, as part of a demanding, global and diverse work climate, the UN allows you to work in various countries and get to know different cultures, with individuals from all over the world working for the same goals.

Generally speaking, United Nations offer these opportunities in a variety of fields, including:

  • economic, social, and development
  • environment and climate change
  • information and telecommunication technology
  • law and governance
  • management and administration (including finance, audit, human resources)
  • political, peace, and humanitarian (including human rights, elections)
  • public health
  • public information and communication
  • security and safety
  • supply chain and transportation (including procurement, logistics, engineering)

Thus, we can say that almost any excellent professional can find a meaningful job within the UN system.

Job Opportunities Available to Work at United Nations

General Careers

An internship at the United Nations might be the perfect start for you if you are thinking of joining the field of diplomacy and public policy.

Currently, the aim of the internship is to give you a first-hand impression of the United Nations’ day-to-day working climate. Here, you will learn how it is to work at United Nations and interact as a team with the people. As part of the team, you can gain insight into high-profile conferences, engage in meetings, and contribute to United Nations analytical work and organizational strategy. Also, you can collaborate closely with inspiring career professionals and senior management. Initially, you will assume the amount of responsibility that you should shoulder. Nevertheless, the capacity for growth is yours to develop.

In fact, here are some of the major cities where you have the opportunity to take part in UN’s internship program:

  1. Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
  2. Bangkok (Thailand)
  3. Beirut (Lebanon)
  4. Geneva (Switzerland)
  5. Nairobi (Kenya)
  6. New York (United States)
  7. Santiago (Chile)
  8. Vienna (Austria)

Additionally, the internship program is available for students who:

  • Enroll in a Master’s or in a Ph.D. program, or currently in their final year of a Bachelor’s program,
  • Have an excellent command of English or French,
  • Are not a child or a sibling of a United Nations Secretariat staff members.


If you are passionate about the development of the world and want to make a difference, then you should consider work at United Nations Development Program.

Working in more than 170 countries and territories, UNDP helps to alleviate poverty and reduce injustice and exclusion. Moreover, it allows countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering skills, institutional capacities and create resilience to maintain the effects of growth.

Interestingly, UNDP offers the following positions with different exciting opportunities for professional and fresh graduates:


UNDP employs staff groups working in the United Nations framework. Specifically, there are various levels within each category that represent growing levels of obligation and requirements. Broadly speaking, these are the following categories of personnel at UNDP:

  • Professional (P) and Director (D) staff
  • General Service (G) staff

Consultants/Individual Contractors

As a consultant or as an independent contractor, the UNDP also hires experts under individual contracts to work on short-term projects.

Service Contractors

UNDP applies the Service Contract (SC) modality to employ project production staff. UNDP is requested by the executing agency or implementing partner or where the UNDP itself functions as the executing partner of the development project. In particular, UNDP will also hire non-core support services under the SC modality that would normally be outsourced to a company, such as custodial, security, and IT services.


UNDP internships are an excellent opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain direct exposure to the work of UNDP. On this occasion, a number of fields and resources are available as UNDP makes every effort to align the intern’s interest with the organization’s needs.


If you’re ambitious, have great motivation and ambition to make an impact, you should work at United Nations Children’s Fund to help the organization’s ambitious work to help children in danger and make a change for tomorrow’s children.

You might want to begin by entering the internship program it holds to start working at UNICEF. The UNICEF Internship Program provides the opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain direct practical experience with the work of UNICEF. Interestingly, internship opportunities are available worldwide.


UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is working to provide a world where every pregnancy is desired, every childbirth is protected and the potential of every young person is fulfilled. It facilitates universal access to sexual and reproductive health, promotes reproductive rights, decreases maternal mortality, and accelerates progress towards the Millennium Goals to empower and enhance the lives of underserved communities. In short, UNFPA takes great pride in improving the lives of the most disadvantaged.

For those who wish to take part in these noble missions, UNFPA provides an internship program that bright individuals can participate in. A select number of exceptional students have the ability to gain direct exposure to UNFPA operations through the UNFPA Internship Program. It is intended to supplement development-oriented studies with practical experience in different aspects of the work of UNFPA.

Besides, applicants should express their interest in growth, possess the ability to adapt to new environments, and to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. Additionally, the interns will serve at the UNFPA under the direction of a staff member. Most importantly, the background of the interns is consistent with the needs of the company.


To work at United Nations Office for Project Service (UNOPS) may be an ideal choice for you. UNOPS helps provide stability and security, humanitarian, and growth solutions to the UN and its allies. Its goal is to help people build better lives and bring peace and sustainable development to countries. Accordingly, the company pays a great deal of attention to implementation, UN principles, and the productivity of the private sector. Surprisingly, it is the only part of the UN that does not receive core taxpayer support.

Therefore, UNOPS offers exciting internship opportunities in many countries around the world. To qualify, you need to be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate university degree program or have completed your latest degree within the past 3 years.


UNHCR seeks skilled, inspired, and passionate people from all over the world who bring experience, creative thinking, and various ideas to strengthen its ability to represent the organization’s people of concern. Thus, UNHCR Internship Program provides qualifying applicants with the opportunity to gain foreign experience in the humanitarian sector. Precisely, this is in line with their academic program or future work in an area relevant to the mission of UNHCR. Depending on the needs and willingness of offices to receive and supervise interns and provide them with practical assignments, internships are provided at different places. Specifically, an internship will start at any time and it typically lasts from two to six months.


In fact, UNEP is the world’s leading environmental authority which:

  1. Sets the global environmental agenda,
  2. Promotes the coherent implementation within the United Nations framework of the environmental dimension of sustainable development, and
  3. Acts as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

Accordingly, its goal is to provide leadership and foster environmental cooperation. They work by encouraging, educating, and empowering peoples to enhance their quality of life without sacrificing that of future generations.

In that sense, to work at United Nations Environment Program means that you will have the opportunity to deal with the following issues:

  • Chemicals and waste
  • Climate change
  • Disasters and conflicts
  • Ecosystem management
  • Environment under review
  • Environmental governance
  • Resource efficiency

The positions offered each time vary. You can select one according to your expertise and interests.

Applying for Work at United Nations

The criteria keep changing for excellent professionals. Today, the UN increasingly seeks eligible applicants with private sector experience to be able to efficiently and timely deliver their services. As result, newly emerging profiles include logistics experts, management of the supply chain, finance, etc.

In terms of specifications and requirements, each organization can also have preferences. For example, UNDP constantly recruits experts in public policy and environmental sciences. On the other hand, UNICEF has a strong demand for officers in the field of child protection and nutrition. Similarly, some organizations need field experience, while others view private sector experience as an advantage.

Whatever other organization you choose, the UN is great working in an environment. Here, you can feel free to speak openly and know that your opinions are valued. For that reason, it makes work at United Nations one of the best experiences you will ever have in your entire life.

Nevertheless, the positions offered mostly won’t make the list of highest-paying jobs in the world.

All in all, good luck and godspeed!

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