Here’s a Guide on How to Check Your SASSA Grant Application Status

The President declared the National State of Disaster as a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic. In this regard, he introduced a special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) for the needy citizens through SASSA. In this chance, we will teach you how to check the status of your SASSA grant application.

SASSA Grant Application Status Check
Photo: @ketut-subiyanto on

This Social Relief of Distress Programme was confirmed in the Regulations made under Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19, as amended.

In particular, individuals who are currently unemployed, do not receive any form of income, social grant or UIF payment etc. will be able to receive R350 for six months through the programme.

Below you can learn how to apply for one if you haven’t, in case, or check your SASSA grant application status to see if your request has been accepted.

What is SASSA Grant?

SASSA grant is a social grant administered by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). In fact, there are a variety of SASSA grants that the South African government provides, including:

  • Older person’s grant (old-age pension),
  • Child support grant,
  • Care dependency grant,
  • Grant in aid (if you live on a social grant but need someone to take care of you),
  • War veteran’s grant,
  • Foster child grant, and
  • Disability grant.

Moreover, South Africans can also apply for Social Relief of Distress for temporary assistance. In this guide, our main highlight will be how to check the Social Relief of Distress application.

The amount of the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant is R350 per month. Then, applicants will receive it from the month he or she applied for it. The good news is that they don’t have to pay the money back.

Who is eligible for the grant? To apply for financial assistance, applicants must be:

  • South African Citizens, Permanent Residents or Refugees registered with Home Affairs;
  • Resident within the borders of the Republic of South Africa;
  • Not resident in a government-funded or subsidised institution;
  • Above the age of 18;
  • Unemployed; and
  • Not receiving any income, social grant, an unemployment insurance benefit, a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, and any other government COVID-19 response support.

Apart from providing cash, SASSA also offers assistance in the form of food parcels. SASSA will issue it as a temporary provision of assistance intended for persons in such dire need that they are unable to meet their or their families’ most basic needs.

Furthermore, SRD is paid to South African citizens, permanent residents or refugees who have insufficient means.

How to Apply for SASSA SRD Grant

There are several options to apply for the SASSA SRD Grant. You can choose one of the following:

  • Send a message via WhatsApp to 0600 123 456 and selecting “SASSA”,
  • Make a call via USSD to *134*7737#,
  • Send the application form to email,
  • Make a call to 0800 60 10 11,
  • Visit your nearest SASSA office, or
  • Fill out the application form via the SRD website.

But first, you will need the following documents before applying.

  • Identity Number,
  • Name and Surname as captured in the ID (and initials),
  • Gender and Disability,
  • Banking details – Bank Name and Account Number,
  • Contact details – Cell phone number, and
  • Proof of Residential Address.

Below, we will describe two ways to apply to receive an SRD grant: by visiting your nearest SASSA office (offline application) and applying via the SRD website (online application).

Offline Application for SRD Grant

Here is what you should do to apply for an SRD grant offline by visiting the nearest SASSA office.

  • Apply for social relief of distress at your nearest South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) office.
  • Submit your application with your 13-digit bar-coded identity document and your children’s birth certificates.
  • If you do not have an identity document and birth certificates, an affidavit from your local police station, chief, councillor or religious leader may be enough proof.
  • Show proof that you: a) have applied for a grant; b) have had an emergency (e.g. provide a police report that your house burnt down); c) have tried to get maintenance; d) have no other support; e) are married, divorced, or single; f) have no income; g) have a short-term medical disability.

Then, SASSA will process your application immediately. Once your application is submitted, it will be assessed for credibility and your genuine need for the service.

Also, note that even if you do not have all the documents, you will get your first month’s food parcel, voucher or cash.

Then, remember to take all the documents to the officer before the second month’s payment is due. If you do not, you may not get your second and third month’s food parcel, voucher or cash.

Ultimately, if there is no change in your circumstances after you have received the grant for the first three months, you may apply to extend the grant for another three months.

Online Application for SRD Grant

Here is what you should do to apply for an SRD grant online.

  • Visit the official website of the SASSA SRD grant at
  • Scroll down the page and click on the “click here to apply online” button.
  • Follow the instructions for filling out the application form.

Please remember that SASSA will only process one application received from each applicant.

How to Check Your SASSA Grant Application Status

To check the status of your SASSA grant application, you must visit the official SRD grant website at Next, scroll down the page and click on the “click here to check online” button.

On the new page, you must fill in the ID number and telephone number that you submitted to apply. Then, wait a few moments for the results to appear.

SASSA Grant Application Status Check

If it says “pending”, chances are they haven’t processed your application yet. You don’t have to worry, however. It won’t take time for SASSA to process it.

Apart from checking the status of your SASSA grant application, you can also check the status of other applicants.

Final Note

Obtaining financial assistance in the midst of such unpredictable times is a great blessing, of course. However, as the situation improves, it is not an impossibility to bounce back and gain a more solid footing.

If you are ready to return to your professional path, check out some of the following job vacancies that may match your aspirations and abilities:

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