How to Apply for DPSA Vacancies in the Public Service

If you have always aspired to work in the public sector, now is the time to make that dream come true. By applying to one of the available positions on DPSA vacancies in the public service, you can get directly involved in increasing the livelihood of people.

DPSA Vacancies in the Public Service
Photo: @anntarazevich on

Aside from furthering the public good, you’ll also earn several other benefits, such as:

  • Recognition and honours,
  • Exposure to multiple practice area,
  • Valuable work experience,
  • Mentoring and networking opportunities, and
  • Better work-life balance.

So, how can you apply to the positions available in the DPSA vacancies in the public service? Read the full explanation below.

What is DPSA Circular?

The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) is a department of the South African government that is responsible for the organisation and administration of the civil service.

In fact, it is responsible for matters including labour relations of government employees. Also, it takes care of the provision of government IT services and integrity in public administration.

As a matter of fact, in the 2018/19 financial year alone, it had 444 employees. However, to improve the department’s performance, DPSA is committed to increasing the number of employees.

For that reason, the department opens DPSA Circular which they have held every year since 2020. In fact, in the span of one year from January 2020 to March 2021, there were 39 Circular Programmes implemented already.

Guide to Candidates

To apply for DPSA vacancies in the public service, you must comply with the following rules.

First and foremost, you must forward your application on form Z83 with full particulars of your training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) to the department in which the vacancy/vacancies exist(s).

Then, you need to indicate the reference number of the vacancy in your application. If you are requiring additional information regarding an advertised post, then you must direct your enquiries to the department where the vacancy exists. Please note that you cannot approach the DPSA for such information.

Finally, you are required to ensure that your application will reach the relevant advertising department on or before the applicable closing dates.

An Overview on Z83 Application Form

You will need to complete a Z83 application form to apply to any vacancies advertised on Circular. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will be declared unsuccessful.

Then, you will need to fill in all sections of this form completely, accurately and legibly. This will help to process your application fairly.

Particularly, the Z83 form requires basic information. Hence, if you are selected for interviews, you will be requested to furnish additional certified information that may be required to make a final selection.

The following are the sections of the Z83 Application Form:

A. The Advertised Post

  • Position for which you are applying (as advertised)
  • Department where the position was advertised
  • Reference number (as stated in the advert)
  • If you are offered the position, when can you start OR how much notice must you serve with your current employer?

B. Personal Information

  • Surname and Full names
  • Date of Birth
  • Identity Number
  • Passport Number
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Do you have a disability?
  • Are you a South African citizen? If no, what is your nationality?
  • Do you have a valid work permit? (only if non-South African)
  • Have you been convinced or found guilty of a criminal offence (including an admission of guilt)? If yes, provide the details.
  • Do you have any pending criminal case against you? If yes, provide the details.
  • Have you ever been dismissed for misconduct from the Public Service? If yes, provide the details.
  • Do you have any pending disciplinary case against you? If yes, provide the details.
  • Have you resigned from a recent job pending any disciplinary proceeding against you? If yes, please note that the provisions of the Public Service Act shall apply.
  • Have you been discharged or retired from the Public Service on grounds of ill-health or on the condition that you cannot be re-employed?
  • Are you conducting business with the State or are you a Director of a Public or Private company conducting business with the State? If yes, provide the details.
  • In the event that you are employed in the Public Service, will you immediately relinquish such business interests?
  • Please specify the total number of years of experience you have in the Private/Public sector.
  • If your profession or occupation requires official registration, provide the date and particulars of registration.

C. Contact Details and Medium of Communications

  • Preferred language for correspondence
  • Method for correspondence (Post, E-mail, Fax, or Telephone)

D. South African Official Language Proficiency

  • Languages (Specify)
  • Speak
  • Write or read

E. Formal Qualification

  • Name of School/Technical College
  • Name of Qualification Obtained
  • Year Obtained
  • Current Study (institution and qualification)

F. Work Experience

  • Employer (including current employer)
  • Post held
  • Year
  • Reasons for leaving

G. References

  • Name
  • Relationship to you
  • Telephone number (office hours)

DPSA Vacancies in the Public ServiceDownload this form here: New Z83 application form (PDF 314 KB)

Directions to Departments

In addition to providing guidance to applicants, DPSA also announced several directions that departments must comply with, such as:

  • The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.
  • It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies. Potential candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending where applicable, interviews.
  • Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15 (affirmative action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 should be applied. Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote representativeness through the filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment will promote representativeness, will receive preference.
  • Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to employment in the Public Service.

List of Departments and Provincial Government

List of Departments

Below is a list of the State’s departments that regularly advertise vacancies through DPSA Circular in public services.

  • Arts and Culture
  • Basic Education
  • Civilian Secretariat for Police Service
  • Communications and Digital Technologies
  • Cooperative Governance
  • Correctional Services
  • Defence
  • Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
  • Employment and Labour
  • Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries
  • Environmental Affairs
  • Government Communication and Information System
  • Health
  • Higher Education and Training
  • Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA)
  • Home Affairs
  • Government Printing Works
  • Human Settlements
  • Independent Police Investigative Directorate
  • Judicial for Correctional Services
  • Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC)
  • Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services
  • Justice and Constitutional Development
  • Military Veterans
  • Mineral Resources and Energy
  • Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent
  • National Prosecuting Authority
  • Office of the Chief Justice
  • National School of Government
  • Office of The Public Service Commission
  • National Treasury
  • Office of the Valuer-General
  • Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Public Enterprises
  • Public Service and Administration
  • Rural Development and Land Reform
  • Public Works and Infrastructure
  • Science and Innovation
  • Small Business Development
  • Social Development
  • South African Police Service
  • Sports, Arts and Culture
  • Statistics South Africa
  • Telecommunications and Postal Services
  • The Presidency
  • Tourism
  • Trade and Industry
  • Traditional Affairs
  • Transport
  • Trade Industry and Competition
  • Treasury
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Woman, Youth, and Persons with Disabilities

List of Provincial Governments

Meanwhile, the following is a list of provincial governments and the respective departments of each that also collaborate with DPSA in advertising vacancies in public services.

Eastern Cape

  • Eastern Cape Provincial Government
  • Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Settlements
  • Department of Roads and Public Works
  • Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform
  • Department of Safety and Liaison
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture
  • Department of Transport
  • Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature
  • Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury

Free State

  • Free State Provincial Government
  • Department of the Premier
  • Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Settlements
  • Department of Police, Roads and Transport
  • Department of Public Works and Infrastructure
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation
  • Free State Provincial Treasury
  • Free State Provincial Legislature


  • Gauteng Provincial Government
  • Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Community Safety
  • Department of Economic Development
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Settlements
  • Department of Infrastructure Development
  • Department of Roads and Transport
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation
  • Gauteng Provincial Treasury
  • Gauteng Provincial Legislature
  • eGovernment


  • KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government
  • Provincial Legislature
  • Office of the Premier
  • Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Department of Arts and Culture
  • Department of Community Safety and Liaison
  • Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Settlements
  • Department of Public Works
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Sport and Recreation
  • Department of Transport
  • Provincial Planning Commission
  • Provincial Treasury


  • Limpopo Provincial Government
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure
  • Department of Safety, Security and Liaison
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
  • Department of Transport
  • Provincial Treasury


  • Mpumalanga Provincial Government
  • Office of the Premier
  • Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs
  • Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison
  • Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation
  • Department of Economic Development and Tourism
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Settlements
  • Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport
  • Department of Social Development
  • Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature
  • Mpumalanga Provincial Treasury

Northern Cape

  • Northern Cape Provincial Government
  • Office of the Premier
  • Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
  • Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Environmental Affairs and Nature Conservation
  • Department of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Roads and Public Works
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Sport, Arts & Culture
  • Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison
  • Northern Cape Provincial Legislature

North West

  • North West Provincial Government
  • Office of the Premier
  • Department of Community Safety and Transport Management
  • Department of Culture, Arts and Traditional Affairs
  • Department of Education and Sport Development
  • Department of Finance, Economy and Enterprise Development
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Local Government and Human Settlements
  • Department of Public Works and Roads
  • Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Tourism
  • North West Provincial Legislature

Western Cape

  • Western Cape Provincial Government
  • Western Cape Provincial Legislature
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Community Safety
  • Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
  • Department of Economic Development and Tourism
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Settlements
  • Department of Local Government
  • Department of Social Development
  • Department of Transport and Public Works
  • Department of the Premier
  • Provincial Treasury

Final note

To win government vacancies at DPSA Circular, it takes a lot more than just your abilities and qualifications. Additionally, you also need to have a high dedication to give back to society.

So, are you interested in applying to any of the vacancies from DPSA in the public service? Tell us your plan.

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