Two Advantages and Disadvantages of the SETAs

The Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) were established in South Africa to promote skills development and training within specific economic sectors. There are 21 SETAs in the country, each responsible for a different sector. While SETAs have been instrumental in promoting skills development, they also have their advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explain two advantages and disadvantages of the SETAs and how they relate to South Africa’s education and training landscape.

Disadvantages of the SETAs

Advantages of SETAs

Industry Relevance

One of the main advantages of SETAs is their ability to provide industry-relevant training and education. SETAs work closely with industry stakeholders to identify skills gaps and design training programs that meet the needs of employers and learners. This ensures that graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the workforce and contribute to the economy.

For example, the Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA) works with industry stakeholders to design training programs that meet the needs of the construction sector. This includes programs in areas such as bricklaying, plumbing, and electrical installation. The result is a workforce that is skilled and knowledgeable and can meet the demands of the industry.

Funding for Learnerships and Apprenticeships

SETAs also provide funding for learnerships and apprenticeships, which are critical forms of work-integrated learning. Learnerships and apprenticeships enable learners to gain practical experience in their chosen field while earning a stipend or salary. This is beneficial for both learners and employers, as it allows employers to develop a skilled workforce while learners gain valuable work experience.

For example, the Services SETA provides funding for learnerships in areas such as hospitality, tourism, and catering. This funding covers the costs of training and stipends for learners, which makes it easier for employers to offer these programs.

Disadvantages of SETAs

Lack of Alignment with Labour Market Demands

One of the main disadvantages of SETAs is their lack of alignment with labor market demands. While SETAs work closely with industry stakeholders to design training programs, they may not always keep up with the rapidly changing demands of the labor market. This can result in graduates who are not equipped with the skills and knowledge required by employers.

For example, the Manufacturing, Engineering, and Related Services SETA (MERSETA) has faced criticism for failing to keep up with the changing demands of the manufacturing sector. This has resulted in a skills gap, with graduates not having the skills required by employers.

Bureaucracy and Inefficiency

Another disadvantage of SETAs is the bureaucracy and inefficiency that can accompany their operations. SETAs are funded by the government, which means they are subject to government regulations and procedures. This can result in delays in funding and administrative processes, which can hinder the delivery of training and education.

For example, the SETA funding process can be slow and bureaucratic, with delays in the allocation of funds and disbursement of payments. This can result in training providers being unable to provide services or learners being unable to access funding.


In conclusion, SETAs have been instrumental in promoting skills development and training in South Africa’s economy. Their ability to provide industry-relevant training and funding for learnerships and apprenticeships has been beneficial for learners and employers alike. However, they also have their disadvantages, including their lack of alignment with labor market demands and bureaucracy and inefficiency. To address these disadvantages, there is a need for SETAs to continue to work closely with industry stakeholders and streamline their administrative processes to ensure the delivery of quality training and education.

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