Job Vacancies in South Africa

Guidelines & Job Opportunities

Jobs vacancies are really tough to find these days – well, to be exact, a serious job with good payment is really hard to find. Or even, if you find it, you won’t get accepted so easily. First of all, you must have good skills, second, you will have to compete with the others and the last of all, you need to meet the requirements of the job. If you managed to survive then you will get the job which means, you don’t need to worry about your finance anymore. If you want to go on living, you must work. After all, isn’t that great that you don’t need to depend on other people anymore?

Look for chances of jobs. It’s hard but if you look closely, you will realize that there are lots of chances you can try. Maybe it’s right in front of your eyes but you just don’t see it. Well, aside from finding chances, you need to know what you really like. Even if you have good skills, if you don’t like the job, you won’t find the motivation to do it. That’s why, applying for the job you are interested in is extremely important.

south africa vacancies

Tips & Trick When Applying for Job

The jobs providers are seeking for confidence and qualities so make sure you have that. When applying for job, you need to write a CV – write an eye-catching one or you won’t even get a second glance, use your creativity to the fullest when writing a CV. Then, if you catch their attention, you will be called in for an interview. Remember, you must be confident! Smile but don’t do overdo it. Have a good posture. Talk in a good, natural way. Also, wear decent clothes when interviewing. Make sure you stand out from the other competitors. So, try it out! Perhaps, you might want to take a look at these job vacancies we’ve gathered to help you find the job that suits you the most.

Government Vacancies

Interested to work in the government? Wanting to apply for the government related jobs? Perhaps, you want to do something for your country so you want to try this job. Well, whatever your reason is, you deserve to know. When working with government, there are lots of departments so you need to choose the department you wanted to work for. These are the departments:

So what department you wanted to work for? Is it the tourism section or the women department? Whatever your choice is, we hope it’s the right choice for you.

Driving Vacancies

Love driving? Do you love travelling and going from one place to the other? A driving job vacancy is what suits you the most. There are lots of driving vacancies that are available. You can be a driver for taxi, for buses, and others. You can also be a personal driver as well. However, most of the job vacancies require clean driving records for reassurance that you won’t do something reckless on the street – it is a serious matter. If you were the type of a reckless driver, you can danger other people’s lives. That’s why, you need to have good driving technique. There are lots of driving vacancies available and you can find it online! Hopefully, you find what you are looking for!

Security Vacancies

Security guards are a very risky job but it’s a great job since you protect the safety of others. You are in control of the safety of the place you are guarding. Do you like checking and making sure that everything is under control? Do you love protecting the safety of others? Do you have strong features? Then, you are suited with security related jobs. There are types of security vacancies you can find from security guard to security inspector. People who worked in the security sections need to undergo training and registered to PSiRA since it’s one of the most dangerous jobs in South Africa. Some positions do not require those though. Well, even though it’s quite dangerous, are you ready to do it for the sake of others?

Engineering Vacancies

Engineering is a very complicated job to do but very much needed. It requires intelligence to be able to do it or you’ll mess it up. Engineering is very important to develop the buildings and facilities. There is a variety of fields when it comes to engineering from analyzing to developing. There are a few categories for engineering job – what you specialize the most?

  • Chemical Engineers
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Civil Engineers
  • Computer Engineers
  • Environmental Engineers

Those are the examples of engineering categories. If you specialize in chemistry, apply for the chemical engineers and so on. Engineering helps a lot to develop the city – to turn it into a place with great facilities where everything is convenient.

Human Resources Vacancies

You are the one in charge to develop the human resources if you apply for this job. What are the tasks of HR? Perhaps you might be wondering. It differs from one company to the other. But the basics are they plan and arrange the requirement and they select the staff. They also plan and conduct the new employee orientation as well and stuff like that to make sure the company gets the right human resources. You must possess these qualities however: organizing and planning, coaching skills, persuasive abilities and a lot more.

Social Work Vacancies

Do you want to make the world a better place for everyone? Do you want to help more people? Then you should become a social worker. Social work is a job that focuses on helping others, particularly disabled people, elderly, orphans and a lot more. The only thing you need is kindness and patience. Helping people is a very beautiful job and surely, you will have a better understanding of the humanity and is sure to gain more experience!

Teaching Vacancies

Do you have passion for teaching? Do you want to share the knowledge to others? Do you interact well with children and teens? Be a teacher and educate children in South Africa for a better country. You will be teaching those with potentials to change their country into a better place. First of all, you need to have a lot of knowledge and at least, you must be graduated from college or high school, minimally. You must be able to work in teams and you must have good coaching skills as well. Patience is also one of the things you will need, especially when handling the children. So, are you ready to be a teacher and make South Africa better in the future? Make sure you teach your children right if you became a teacher. You can be a teacher for preschool to even, college.

Nursing Vacancies

If you love nursing people back to health and it gives you a warm feeling when you do so, you should try applying for nursing jobs in South Africa. Nursing jobs include nursing patients, helping doctors, checking their condition and such. You must be caring and thorough when checking your patients. You must be diligent and a hard worker. Patience is one of the qualities you must have and last but not least, the ability to work in team. Yes, you must have those qualities since it’s people’s lives we are talking about. Wrong move and something bad can happen to the patient. If you have those qualities and you love healing people back to health, why don’t you give it a try?

Most Wanted Vacancies 

Now, we are going to talk about most wanted jobs in South Africa. These vacancies are the most in demand in South Africa, let’s take a look.

Accountant is one of the jobs that are demanded. You will have a lot of chances to be one since it’s very demanded. Almost every company need accountant so you can try it out! Medical doctor is also one of the jobs you can try applying for. Medical doctors are needed after all to cure people and there is a shortage of human resources in medical department. Administration vacancy is one of the jobs you can try applying for, it’s pretty similar to human resources. Retail vacancies are sure to bring you fortune as well, it’s a job that includes selling goods to the public. IT vacancy is also one of the most wanted jobs – skills with technology are one of the most needed jobs after all. Everything uses technology these days. Lastly, try call centre vacancy – it’s a marketing related job. Marketing is necessary in this business world.

If you want to try something short-term however – to add more money to your allowance for example, you can try part-time jobs or weekend jobs. Jobs you do on weekends or you don’t work for full-time. For example, you can do sales promotional thing or promotional girl, waitress/waiter and more. Interested to try? Aside from making more money, you will get more experience to prepare for your future full-time job. These kind of jobs are the jobs you can do, even if you were in high school.

Vacancies in South Africa Cities

More of a city person? Perhaps, some of you want to travel to the city to get a job there. City always attracts lots of people after all and there are a lot of job vacancies there – speaking of more opportunities. So, we will talk about the cities and the opportunities in it! These are the fields big cities usually have:

  • customer relations
  • communication
  • electricity
  • finance,
  • economical and social development
  • health
  • housing
  • human resource
  • geographic information system
  • audit, technologies and information system
  • libraries
  • marketing
  • property management
  • planning
  • technical
  • safety and security
  • Tourism
  • And more

Yes, those are usually available in big cities – especially tourism! People love to travel there, right?  These are the big, metropolitan cities in South Africa that you can choose to settle down and get a job! Living someplace you’re not familiar with will surely be an unforgettable experience!

City of Cape Town Job Vacancies

City of Cape Town surely offers lots of jobs since it’s a metropolitan city with lots of people in it. There is a variety of jobs you can choose according to your skills, education and interest.

Johannesburg Job Vacancies

The city of Johannesburg – a big city similar to Cape Town, is also offering lots of opportunities such as Biokineticist, Assistant Director, and a lot more. Johannesburg is a good choice if you wanted to work in a big city other than Cape Town.

Durban Job Vacancies

Durban is also one of the big cities that offer job opportunities. Like I’ve said before, big cities need lots of resources after all. For example clerk, admin controller and a lot more.

Pretoria Job Vacancies

Yup, you can also try your luck in Pretoria as it’s also a big city as well. These followings are what they need: manufacturing, health, engineering and more. Make sure you get the job you wanted before actually going there and settling down.

Port Elizabeth Job Vacancies

Port Elizabeth is also one of the cities you can try seeking jobs. Port Elizabeth is such a pretty name, isn’t it? Jobs that are available are health related jobs – it’s in high demand, definitely! Go hunt jobs at Port Elizabeth!

Bloemfontein Job Vacancies

City such as Bloemfontein is worth trying for as well! They have personal assistant vacancies, transport vacancies, and more. If you want more adventure, going to a big city like Bloemfontein is worth trying!

Nelspruit Job Vacancies

Nelspruit is also a city you must consider when you are thinking of moving to a city. And you know what’s needed in Nelspruit right now? Finance related jobs. Dealing with money must be fun, right? Be honest though.

Kimberley Job Vacancies

Kimberley is also a city worth noting if you want to work in a country like South Africa. Usually, there are sales vacancies. It would be a blast living there.

Polokwane Job Vacancies

If you want to have jobs in South Africa’s big cities, you can go to Polokwane. They are in need of admin jobs particularly.

Pietermaritzburg Job Vacancies

Pietermaritzburg is a big city which you can try applying. Especially, there are lots of admin vacancies so you can try applying if you like to work and interact with customers.


There are a lot of South Africa jobs you can try that are waiting for you out there so giving it a try will be good for you. As it goes, you just need to be confident with your qualities and skills – and you will definitely get the job! Make sure you choose the one you really, really like or it won’t be fun. Who says job working can’t be fun? Everything is possible. Work a lot, get more experience and live your life to the fullest. Apply the tips and trick I’ve told you when searching for jobs whether it be medical, transport or nursing. Good luck finding jobs in South Africa!

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