11 Most Preferable High Paying Jobs in California

California, known as the home for most Hollywood stars, is one of the most populated state in the United States. It has the largest mass migration which has been recorded in the history which has huge impact for the economic growth and development too. One of the huge impacts that people can take advantages is high paying jobs in California.

Due to the high demand jobs California, people can also choose which jobs offer the highest salary. There are a lot of available jobs since California is also a home for some international technology companies, such as Apple. No wonder, people are trying to get a job that could give them countless dollars.

What are Those High Paying Jobs in California?

Traditionally, people only thought that those who could earn a lot of money must have dealt with business or some kinds of investment. This is practically based on the number of successful people who have the job background as a business or an investor.

As a matter of fact, California gets their revenue from taxes, educational fee, hospital fee, sewerage, natural resources, and many more. It can be used to prove that California has the highest paying jobs in the world.


High Paying Jobs in California
Surgeon on dawn.com

Living in California is indeed beneficial as there are a lot of high paying jobs in California that loads of people wish to have. One of them is being a surgeon. Working in medical career is very challenging and exciting at the same time.

You will learn to work under pressure, work in a good team, and also learn about new things. Surgeons have to treat injuries and illnesses. They also have to open up someone’s body to get rid of the diseases that make the patients suffer.

It takes dedication, devotion, patience and love to be able to treat all the patients well. Surgeons will do their best to save lives and minimize the pain. They often work overtime too.

The median salary: $250,000


High Paying Jobs in California
Psychiatrist on theconversation

People might easily judge other people although they don’t really know what they have been through. For those who can’t tell their stories to other people, they can be stressful and they need help in relieving their pain.

These people who are unable to get enlightenment will feel like the world is falling down. It can make them suffer from the mind disorder. When it happens, they need to visit the psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist is a professional who will diagnose and treat people who have mind disorder and prevent it before getting worse. They will be all ears to listen to your stories, wipe your tears, and give solution to whatever bothers your mind.

If you want to be a psychiatrist, you need to complete a bachelor degree from a credible university. After that, you can take the medical college admission test to be able to get the license for working in medical field.

The median salary: $239,488

Obstetrician and Gynecologist

High Paying Jobs in California
Obstetician on dailyfamily.ng

People might have been wrong this whole time considering that obstetrician and gynecologist are the same kind of job. It may seem similar but they are apparently different field of medical study under the same specialty.

Obstetrician is a professional who is an expert in the field of pregnancy and childbirth. It includes the whole processes when women want to give birth. Meanwhile, gynecologist is an expert in the field of women reproduction system. It includes the diagnosis, treatment, whole checkups, and also prevention.

The duties of obstetricians are checking the health condition including doing the ultrasonography test, advising the patients about the healthy diet and another healthy lifestyle, preventing the morning sickness or other complaints during pregnancy, explaining the childbirth processes and guiding you to answer all your curiosity about pregnancy.

Meanwhile, gynecologists have the duties of teaching people about sterilization, sexual dysfunction, risk of cancer, and other infectious sexual problems. When you are interested to work in these fields, you need your master degree and some experience related to it.

The median salary: $244,120

Nurse Anesthetists

High Paying Jobs in California
Nurse anesthetist on yourfreecareertest

Afraid of being a surgeon who has to undergo some surgeries and open up someone’s body? Then you can choose the high paying jobs in California to be a nurse anesthetist to earn a lot of money.

The nurse anesthetic will check the information of the patient, the historical medicine, and any historical surgeries that the patients had done before. It includes whether the patients have allergies to some medicine or antibiotics. Nurse anesthetists need to make sure that the patients will not suffer from danger under the anesthesia.

When you really want to be a nurse anesthetist, you need to obtain a master degree in medical field. Nurse anesthetists should join a lot of training and hours of practices to be licensed ones.

The median salary: $171,000

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

High Paying Jobs in California
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon on 123dentist

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a specialist of dental who treats some diseases and injuries related to soft tissues of the mouth and maxillofacial (face and jaws). People who do the oral and maxillofacial surgery are called oral surgeon.

If your passion is to be an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, you need to have an undergraduate degree. After that you need to take specialty program for another 3 years. When you have completed all the programs, you will get the license to work in a public hospital.

The median salary: $223,121

Chief Executive

High Paying Jobs in California
Chief executive on Seek

Are you looking for some high paying jobs in California that would earn you a lot of money you can never imagine before? If the answer is yes, working as a chief executive will be a good option to choose.

This position is suitable for people who have a lot of experiences in managing a company with a lot of subordinates. A chief executive needs to formulate policies to follow by all the subordinates. It could be some planning or changes that will lead the company for better engagement and income.

Chief executives will spend most of the time by setting up meetings with board of directors, providing guidelines for the whole company, and also making reports regularly.

The median salary: $219,463

General Internal Medicine Physician

High Paying Jobs in California
General internal medicine physician on caredash

Nobody likes being sick but nobody can predict what will happen in the future. They could get sick and probably general internal medicine physician can give you handful help to get rid of the disease.

When you feel like suffering from pain inside your body, general internal physician can be the one who will treat you, diagnose the illness, and give solution. No wonder, it becomes one of the high paying jobs in California.

They will mostly deal with injuries that come from the internal organ system. Some cases might need surgery while some others can be done only by medications.

The median salary: $219,050


High Paying Jobs in California
Anesthesiologist on money.usnews

Before someone or a patient wants to undergo a surgery, he needs to be administered with anesthesia. Anesthesia needs to be administered to make sure that the patients don’t feel the pain during the surgery. The patients also need to be in a stable state while the surgeon performs the surgery.

The person who gives the anesthesia is anesthesiologist. These anesthesiologists have to give the anesthesia before, during and also after the surgery. They also have to check the patients’ vital sign during the surgery to make sure that the anesthesia doesn’t go wrong and harm the patients.

The median salary: $211,145

Pilot and Copilots

High Paying Jobs in California
Pilot and co pilot on foxnews

Being a pilot is a position that most people have been dreaming of. It is like a noble job that everyone wishes they would be inside the cockpit and fly the airplane. In fact, both pilot and also copilot belong to one of those high paying jobs in California.

Working as a pilot brings a lot of benefits such as flying everywhere that you like without paying, meeting new friends from all over the world, and getting high salaries. However, being both pilot and copilot is not easy. They need to have a degree in flying academy.

The cost of being a pilot is not cheap. However, when you have completed the education, it will be worth the pay. You will start to get paid by flying the passengers and cargo to the destinations.

The duties of a pilot is navigating and flying the airplane to the places that people wish they would be. A pilot needs to make sure that all of the passenger are safe. Meanwhile, copilot will help the pilot in taking off and also landing the place. When the captain or the pilot is incapacitated, he will be in charge of it.

The median salary: $211,110

All of these high paying jobs in California could either motivate you or demotivate you in looking for the best jobs that offer good salary. When you think that you have fulfilled all the requirements needed by those jobs, you can apply for any of these jobs and apply some of them.

You may set your goals high and keep on trying when you are probably rejected. It does not matter when you are failed. There are still a lot of options to choose whether you want to work in the medical field, crime justice, education, science, or anything that attracts you.

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