11 High Paying Jobs Healthcare People Have Been Dreaming of

If you have a dream of working in a hospital or in any kinds of healthcare, what kind of jobs that you would like to have? Medical jobs list and salaries are what make people want to figure out. As the world keeps evolving, the percentage of medical careers in demand increases too. Thus, you might be interested to apply one of the high paying jobs healthcare that you have been dreaming of.

It has been a general fact that the highest paying jobs come from the medical field. The journey to have medical career is not easy too. They have to complete their doctoral degree. However, people can now work in medical field without having to complete their doctoral degree.

The Most Favorite High Paying Jobs Healthcare

Out of those available high paying jobs healthcare, there are some most wanted jobs that people really want to have. These judgments are made probably because of the supportive environment and also good salary as well. This following information may be useful for you in looking for a job in medical field.

Nurse Anesthetists

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Nurse anesthetist on yourfreecareertest

When you don’t want to be a surgeon because you can’t stand looking at scattered blood, you can be a nurse anesthetist instead. A nurse anesthetist will take care of the patient during the surgical, diagnostic, and also therapeutic procedures.

They need to review the whole information about their patients whether the patients have any kinds of allergies or illnesses. Nurse anesthetists have to make sure that anesthesia can be administered safely without any kinds of danger.

If you want to be an advanced nurse anesthetist, you need to have master degree from the medical program. Then you can have another one year clinical experience to get the license of working in medical field.

The median salary: $171,000

Physician Assistant

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Physician assistant on medicalaid.org

Before you get a title of a physician, there is a position named physician assistant that you need to pass. It is actually a position that you have to assist the physician and also surgeons in doing some checkups or treatments for the patients.

These physician assistants will appear when the physician needs the medical history of a patient, result of the diagnostic test, rewrite the prescription given by the physician, and also book the following checkup with the patients based on the physician’s schedule.

It can be said that physician assistant is the replacement of the physicians when they aren’t around. You need to have a master’s degree that was issued by an accredited university or institute when you want to be a physician assistant. You also need to pass a test named Physician Assistant National Examination.

The median salary: $110,075

Genetic Counselor

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Genetic counselor on money.usnews

Probably having high paying jobs healthcare can be something to proud of. Becoming a genetic counselor will suit you best when you have the interest in doing researches and studying about the patients’ genes. They will assess both the family and individual risk for inheriting the genetic disorders.

They will provide all the information about the patients related to the inheritable medical issues. A thorough analysis about the whole genetic will be analyzed to find out what issue causes the disorder.

The median salary: $85,480

Radiation Therapist

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Ratdiation therapist on healthjade

Being a radiation therapist can be said as one of the high paying jobs healthcare you can refer. In a team of healthcare center, there are some members who will have different jobs in taking care of the patients. One of the examples is a radiation therapist.

Working as a radiation therapist means that you will be the one who will operate a special machine which will be used for doing the radiation therapy, especially for treating patients who have rumor.

Before doing the therapy, the therapist will explain the treatment plans for the patients such as what the patients should do, would feel, and needs to have another checkup. These therapists will also check whether there are any unusual reactions that happen to the patients’ body.

If you think this job suits you well, you need to have at least an associate’s degree in the field of radiation therapy. Some companies or organization might have accepted those who come with a complete and certified programs yet some other might be fine with only associate’s degree.

The median salary: $84,770

Occupational Therapist

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Occupational therapist on klikpdpi.com

Some people might have experienced disabilities for moving or doing the daily activities. When you prefer doing therapists for regular plan, you need the presence of an occupational therapist. This therapist will help you to regain and develop all the skills needed for doing the daily activities.

This therapy includes stretching, simple moving, and also engaging the children to take part in some playing activities for doing socialization. Sometimes there are children who are not able to hold spoon, sit still, eat, and even speak. Here, the occupational therapist will be the one to help you.

To be able to apply a job as an occupational therapy, you need to have a master’s degree and some trainings you have done. It is because you need to know deeper information about the parts of the body you need to treat.

The median salary: $84,500

Nurse Practitioner

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Nurse Practitioner on freepik

High paying jobs healthcare also includes nurse practitioner as an alternative to rely on when you have finished studying in medical field. A nurse practitioner works either individually or together with physicians.

The duties of a nurse practitioner are deciding which treatment that should be given to the patients that will give no risk. They need to know a lot of knowledge about mental health, general health, psychiatric issues, and also geriatric health.

The main requirement of a nurse practitioner is a master’s degree that is issued by a legal and accredited medical institution. They also have to possess a nursing license to be able to work in medical career.

The median salary: $109,875

Nuclear Medicine Technologist

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Nuclear medicine technologist on careersinhealthcare

When the patients need the usage of radioactive machine to show the imaging diagnosis, there is a position named nuclear medicine technologist. It is apparently one of the high paying jobs healthcare for those who are interested to work in medical field and have long path in the future.

From this radioactive machine, the patients will be able to know the right diagnosis for doing the action and to get the treatment from the professionals. By having this nuclear medicine, the physicians will be easier in diagnosing about the illness of the patients.

The minimum requirement for being a nuclear medicine technologist is having an associate degree from a credible nuclear medicine program. Furthermore, when you have more experience or higher education may have higher chance to get the job.

The median salary: $81,290

Nurse Midwives

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Nurse midwives on nursejournal.org

When women want to give birth, the women who have specialty in helping them are called nurse midwives. They are the experts who have been in this service for a long time. They will provide the prenatal care and also gynecological exams.

Nobody can predict what will happen during the labor, thus, these nurse midwives will deliver babies, help the pregnant women, and also solve any kinds of emergency situations which may harm both the mother and the baby.

As the person who will guide and accompany the pregnant women, they need to be the main care provider for both the mother and also the baby. However, in order to be a nurse midwives, you need to obtain a master’s degree that came from an accredited medical program from a licensed and credible institution.

The median salary: $105,660

Speech-language Pathologist

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Speech therapist on yourfreecareertest

People often refer speech-language pathologist as a speech therapist. For those parents whose children have disabilities to communicate or swallow food, speech therapist is usually the one who can help them.

A speech pathologist will treat the patients by having some therapies in clinical experience. The patients will eventually show some progresses although it is  slow.

When you want to be a speech pathologist, you need to obtain a master’s degree given from a credible medical program from a certified university or institution. You need to have hours of trainings and pass some written and clinical test too.

The median salary: 79,120

Orthotist and Prosthetist

High Paying Jobs Healthcare
Orthotist and prosthetist on careergirl

Both orthotist and prosthetist also belong to high paying jobs healthcare whose duties are designing and fabricating medical devices such as braces or artificial limbs. When people got an accident and lost some parts of the body, they can make the artificial ones through orthotist and prosthetist.

They will make sure that those artificial things will fit into the users comfortably. However, to be a licensed orthotist and prosthetist is not an easy task. There are some steps that you have to take before getting the title as both orthotist and prosthetist.

A master’s degree in both orthotics and prosthetics have to be earned following by another two years residency. When you have passed these programs, you will be a licensed orthotist and prosthetist and will soon be able to work in public hospital.

The median salary: $71,225

People believe that high paying jobs healthcare are those mighty jobs that will give people chances in earning money, learning more, and having more experiences. Most requirement to apply in these jobs is having a master’s degree and completing another program to get the license.

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