Four Benefits of Persevering When You Study the Most Difficult Aspects of Your School Subjects

Benefits of Persevering

Perseverance is an essential quality that every student needs to develop in order to succeed in their studies, especially when dealing with the most difficult aspects of their school subjects. In South African schools, where students face various challenges such as limited resources, language barriers, and socio-economic factors, perseverance becomes even more crucial for academic success. In this article, we will explore four benefits of persevering when studying the most difficult aspects of school subjects in South African schools.

1. Improved Understanding of the Subject Matter

When students encounter difficult aspects of a subject, they may feel discouraged and overwhelmed. However, if they persevere and continue to work on understanding the difficult aspects, they will gradually gain a better understanding of the subject matter as a whole. This improved understanding will not only help them to excel in their exams but also equip them with the knowledge that will be useful beyond the classroom. For example, a student who perseveres to understand the difficult aspects of mathematics will not only perform well in exams but also develop problem-solving skills that will be valuable in their future career.

In South African schools, where resources are limited and overcrowded classrooms are common, perseverance in the face of difficulty can make a significant difference in a student’s academic achievement. By taking advantage of the resources available and working hard to understand difficult concepts, students can improve their chances of success.

2. Increased Confidence and Resilience

Persevering through difficult aspects of a subject can also help to increase a student’s confidence and resilience. When students face challenging tasks and succeed in overcoming them, they gain a sense of accomplishment that boosts their confidence. This increased confidence can lead to a positive attitude toward learning and a willingness to take on more challenging tasks.

Furthermore, when students persevere through difficult aspects of a subject, they develop resilience. They learn to keep trying even when things get tough, which is an essential quality in life. In South African schools, where students may face various challenges outside the classroom, such as poverty and violence, developing resilience through perseverance can be particularly beneficial.

3. Improved Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Persevering through difficult aspects of a subject requires students to think critically and creatively. They need to come up with new strategies and solutions to overcome the challenges they face. This type of thinking helps to improve problem-solving skills, which are valuable in various aspects of life. For example, a student who perseveres through difficult aspects of science subjects will develop critical thinking skills that can be applied in real-life situations, such as analyzing data and making informed decisions.

In South African schools, where students face a range of social and economic challenges, developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills through perseverance can be particularly valuable. These skills can help students to navigate difficult situations both inside and outside the classroom and improve their chances of success.

4. Enhanced Learning and Retention

Persevering through difficult aspects of a subject can also enhance learning and retention. When students work hard to understand a difficult concept, they are more likely to remember it in the long term. This increased retention can lead to improved academic performance and better grades. Additionally, when students are persistent in their efforts to learn, they are more likely to retain a love of learning, which can lead to continued success in their academic and professional lives.

In South African schools, where students may face numerous challenges that can impact their ability to learn, perseverance can be a critical factor in enhancing their learning and retention. By working hard to overcome difficulties, students can improve their chances of academic success and equip themselves with valuable skills for the future.


Perseverance is a valuable quality that can help students to overcome challenges and achieve success in their studies. In South African schools, where students face various challenges, perseverance can be particularly important. By persevering through difficult aspects of school subjects, students can improve their understanding of the subject matter, increase their confidence and resilience, develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and enhance their learning and retention. These benefits can have a positive impact not only on their academic performance but also on their personal and professional lives.

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