Create an Effective Resume for a Learner in Grade 12

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a written document that summarizes your education, experiences, and skills. As a grade 12 learner, you may not have a long list of professional experiences, but you can still create an impressive CV by focusing on your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities. Here’s how to go about it.

Photo: @cottonbro on

CV Structure

1. Contact Information

Your CV should start with your contact information. Include:

  • Full name
  • Address (optional)
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Make sure your email address is professional. It’s best to use your full name or a combination of your name and numbers.

2. Personal Statement (Optional)

A personal statement, also known as a CV objective, is a brief paragraph that introduces you and your career goals. It’s optional but can be useful to highlight your aspirations, especially if you’re applying for jobs or college.

3. Education

As a grade 12 learner, your education section will be a crucial part of your CV. Include:

  • Name of your high school
  • Location (city, state)
  • Expected graduation date (month and year)
  • Your current GPA, if it’s strong

You can also mention any honors, awards, or special programs you’re part of. Highlight any advanced courses, like AP or IB, if you’ve taken them.

4. Work Experience (if applicable)

While high school students may not have extensive work experience, you can still list any part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer work you’ve done. Include:

  • Job title
  • Company or organization name
  • Dates of employment
  • Key responsibilities and achievements

Even basic tasks like babysitting, lawn mowing, or helping with a family business can demonstrate your work ethic and responsibility.

5. Extracurricular Activities

Your involvement in extracurricular activities can set you apart. List clubs, sports, or organizations you’re part of, such as:

  • Sports teams
  • Student government
  • Clubs (e.g., debate, drama, coding)
  • Honor societies
  • Community service/volunteer work

Highlight any leadership roles or significant contributions you’ve made in these activities. This section can showcase your teamwork, leadership, and time management skills.

6. Skills

Identify your relevant skills, which might include:

  • Computer skills (e.g., proficiency in Microsoft Office)
  • Language skills
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Any technical skills (e.g., coding, graphic design)

7. Awards and Achievements

If you’ve received awards, recognition, or scholarships, create a separate section for them. Mention any notable achievements that set you apart from other applicants.

8. References

You can provide references on your CV, but it’s typically better to include a line that says, “References available upon request.” If an employer or college requires references, they’ll ask for them separately.

Tips for a Standout Grade 12 Learner CV

Here are some additional tips to help you create a compelling CV as a grade 12 learner:

  • Research the Target: Before you begin crafting your CV, research the specific job, scholarship, or college program you’re applying to. Understand what they are looking for and tailor your CV accordingly. This will help you emphasize the most relevant experiences and skills.
  • Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, use quantifiable achievements to illustrate your capabilities. For instance, instead of saying, “Managed a school event,” you can say, “Successfully coordinated and managed a school fundraising event that raised $2,000 for a local charity.”
  • Showcase Academic Achievements: In the education section, highlight any exceptional academic achievements. This could include high grades in specific subjects, academic competitions, or advanced coursework. Academic excellence can be a strong selling point for scholarships or college admissions.
  • Demonstrate Leadership: Leadership skills are highly valued by colleges and employers. Highlight instances where you led a team, organized an event, or took on a leadership role in a club or organization. Explain how your leadership had a positive impact.
  • Include Relevant Projects: If you’ve worked on any projects that demonstrate your skills and initiative, mention them in your CV. These projects can be from school, extracurricular activities, or personal endeavors. Explain the project’s goals, your role, and the outcomes.
  • Express Your Passion: Use your personal statement or cover letter to express your genuine passion for the opportunity you’re pursuing. Let your enthusiasm shine through. This can make a strong impression on the reader.
  • Highlight Soft Skills: In addition to technical or hard skills, emphasize your soft skills like communication, adaptability, and problem-solving. These qualities are valuable in both academic and professional settings.
  • Seek Proofreading Help: After creating your CV, have someone else review it for grammar and spelling errors. Fresh eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed, ensuring your CV is error-free and professional.
  • Use an Appropriate Format: The format of your CV matters. A clean, organized, and well-structured CV is more visually appealing and easier to read. Use a consistent format with clear headings and bullet points.
  • Networking and Recommendations: If you have any recommendations or endorsements from teachers, coaches, or supervisors, consider including them with your application. A positive reference can add credibility to your CV.

Sample Grade 12 Learner CV

Here’s a sample CV for a grade 12 learner based on the guidelines provided:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]

[Optional Personal Statement]


  • High School: [School Name], [City, State]
  • Expected Graduation: [Month Year]
  • Current GPA: [Your GPA]

Work Experience

  • Cashier, [Retail Store], [Dates]
    Handled customer transactions and provided excellent service.
  • Babysitter, [Family Name], [Dates]
    Cared for children and ensured their safety.

Extracurricular Activities

  • President, [Student Council], [Dates]
    Led student government meetings and organized school events.
  • Varsity Basketball Team, [School Name], [Dates]
    Demonstrated teamwork and dedication to the sport.


  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Strong communication skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Basic Spanish language skills

Awards and Achievements
[List any awards, honors, or scholarships]

References available upon request.


Creating a CV as a grade 12 learner is an important step towards your future endeavors. Whether you’re looking for part-time work, scholarships, or college admissions, a well-crafted CV can make a significant difference. Remember to focus on your education, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences, and use your CV as a tool to showcase your skills and potential. With the right approach and attention to detail, you can create a winning CV that opens doors to exciting opportunities.

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