The Basic Pass Requirements for National Senior Certificate

Basic Pass Requirements for NSC

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is the South African post-matriculation certification that learners receive after completing their secondary education. This certification is crucial for learners who intend to proceed to further education or enter the workforce. The NSC is awarded to learners who meet the requirements set out by the Department of Basic Education (DBE). These requirements are designed to ensure that learners have an acceptable level of competency in key skills and knowledge areas. In this paper, we investigate the basic pass requirements for the National Senior Certificate in the South African education system.

The Basic Pass Requirements

There are three basic pass requirements that learners must meet to be awarded the National Senior Certificate. These are as follows:

  1. Achieving a minimum score of 40% in three subjects, including a home language.
  2. Achieving a minimum score of 30% in three other subjects.
  3. Achieving a minimum score of 30% for the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the institution in which the learner is studying.

Further Requirements

In addition to the basic pass requirements, there are further requirements that learners must meet to be awarded the NSC. These requirements include the following:

  1. Achieving a minimum of 20% for the second additional language (SAL).
  2. Completing the School-Based Assessment (SBA) requirements for all subjects.
  3. Passing Life Orientation (LO) with a minimum of 40%.
  4. Completing a minimum of 7 subjects.
  5. Achieving a minimum total score of 400 marks.

Home Language Requirements

The home language requirement is a critical aspect of the NSC. All learners must achieve a minimum of 40% in their home language to be awarded the certification. The home language is the language that the learner was taught at primary school, and it is the language of communication within the learner’s family. In South Africa, there are 11 official languages, and learners must be taught in one of these languages at primary and secondary schools.

Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) Requirements

The Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) requirement is another critical aspect of the NSC. This requirement ensures that learners have a minimum level of competency in the language that is used for instruction at their school. All learners must achieve a minimum of 30% for their LOLT to be awarded the NSC.

Second Additional Language (SAL) Requirements

All learners are required to study a second additional language (SAL). The SAL requirement ensures that learners have exposure to a language other than their home language and the LOLT. The SAL requirement also prepares learners for the global workforce, where multilingualism is becoming increasingly important. To be awarded the NSC, learners must achieve a minimum of 20% in their SAL.

School-Based Assessment (SBA) Requirements

The School-Based Assessment (SBA) requirements are an essential aspect of the NSC. The SBA requires learners to participate in ongoing assessments of their progress throughout the year. These assessments include task-based assessments, oral assessments, and practical assessments, depending on the subject. The SBA is designed to assess learners’ understanding of the subject matter, their ability to apply their knowledge, and their skills development.

Life Orientation (LO) Requirements

Life Orientation (LO) is a compulsory subject for all learners in South Africa. The LO subject is aimed at developing learners’ life skills, which are necessary for success in their personal and professional lives. In addition to developing their life skills, the LO subject also teaches learners about various societal issues, including human rights, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability. All learners must pass the LO subject with a minimum score of 40% to be awarded the NSC.

Total Score Requirements

To be awarded the NSC, learners must achieve a minimum total score of 400 marks. The total score is calculated by adding the scores for all seven subjects. The total score requirement ensures that learners have a reasonable level of knowledge and competency across all subjects.

Minimum Pass Requirements versus Bachelor Degree Pass Requirements

There are two levels of pass requirements for the NSC. The first level is the minimum pass requirements, which we have discussed in this paper. The second level is the Bachelor’s Degree pass requirements, which are higher than the minimum pass requirements. To meet the Bachelor’s Degree requirements, learners must achieve a minimum score of 50% in four subjects, including a home language, and a minimum score of 30% in three other subjects. Learners must also achieve a minimum score of 50% for the LOLT and a minimum score of 30% for their SAL.


The National Senior Certificate is an essential certification for learners who intend to further their education or enter the workforce. The pass requirements for the NSC are designed to ensure that learners have a minimum level of competency in key skills and knowledge areas. In this paper, we investigated the basic pass requirements for the NSC and related them to the South African education system. We discussed the home language requirement, the LOLT requirement, the SAL requirement, the SBA requirement, the LO requirement, and the total score requirement. We also discussed the difference between the minimum pass requirements and the Bachelor’s Degree pass requirements. Through our investigation, we have shown that the NSC pass requirements are an essential aspect of the South African education system, ensuring that all learners have a minimum level of competency in key areas.

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